The corpus callosum is a broad band of neuronal (nerve) fibers that connect, or join, both hemispheres of the Brain.
The brain stem is what connects the spinal cord to the rest of the brain. More specifically, the medulla oblongota is what directly connects it.
The Pons is normally called the "Bridge" because it connects many parts of the brain. It connects the cerebrum and cerebellum and two sides of cerebellum. Contains mostly white matter and contains 2 respiratory reflex centers - involved in regulating depth and rate of breathing. All motor and sensory pathways go through here and connects various parts of the brain.
medula oblongata
It is part of hind brain which connects parts of cerebellum .
The brain's gray matter includes regions like the cerebral cortex, responsible for processing information and generating thoughts. White matter consists of nerve fibers that connect different brain regions, enabling communication between them. Examples of white matter structures include the corpus callosum and internal capsule.
The white matter of the cerebellum forms the arbor vitae, which refers to the branching pattern resembling a tree. It contains nerve fibers that connect different parts of the cerebellum and also connects the cerebellum to other parts of the brain.
your spine is what is correct in a test
Peripheral nervous system
There are only 3 parts, the 2 opposing sides and the rivet that connects them. Each of the opposing sides will consist of a handle and a nose, or tip. The tip will be used for gripping, bending or cutting.
All nerves in the body are connected by synapses to the ganglia in the spinal cord to where the travel back up to the brain
Basically, a nerve is a fiber that connects the brain and spinal cord with various parts of the body (aka - receptor organs).
Basically, a nerve is a fiber that connects the brain and spinal cord with various parts of the body (aka - receptor organs).