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Healthy urine consists of water, ammonia, potassium, hydrogen, little sodium, little creatine, little uric acid and urea and little bilirubin, if any of these substance is present in too much (or to little) quanity then it becomes unhealthy. Also if glucose and/or RBC are found in urine it is unhealthy.

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1. In a healthy person, do you expect to see creatinine in urine?

a) Yes b) No

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Q: What components would you find in urine of a healthy person?
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What components would you find in the urine oealthy person?

In a healthy person, water, urea, and a small amount of electrolytes like sodium and potassium should be found. What should NOT be found are red or white blood cells, bacteria (yes, urine should be sterile), or nitrites or esterases which indicate an infectious processes.

What are the 4 main components of urine that dialysis would also need to remove?

Urea, potassium, creatinine, and extra fluids are 4 components of urine that dialysis would also remove.

What substances are found in a healthy person's urine?

In a healthy person's urine, you would typically find water, urea, creatinine, uric acid, electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and chloride), various pigments, and small amounts of proteins. The presence of certain substances or abnormal levels may indicate underlying health issues.

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IF ANYONE ACCIDENTLY swallows human urine, they will not be "poisoned". When a healthy person urinates, it actually come out sterile. But seeing how urine is the "waste water" of the human body, I would not recommend that people drink urine, whether it is their own or someone elses.

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How would a person know if they were dehydrated?

If your urine is cloudy,you are dehydrated.

How does urine go into the lungs?

The only way urine could possibly ever get into the lungs would be if the person inhaled or drank urine. Not a good thing to do.

Is drinking female urine healthy?

Never tried it so wouldnt know if anyone out there has would like to know

Can a person live without a bladder?

yes but you would have to walk around with a bag with urine and have a tube were the urine comes from the kidneys

Explain how a person with perfectly healthy eyes would not be able to see?

If the visual cortex or the optic nerves were damaged then no matter how perfect or healthy the eyes are the person would be blind.

Substances that are absent from the filtrate and urine of healthy individuals?

The two things that might indicate problems in health would be proteins and glucose. Proteins in filtrate or urine would indicate a possible kidney infection and glucose would indicate possible diabetes.