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Q: What compassion for others and depth in intimate relationships most indicate spiritual emotional mental or social health?
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"Are you capable of being bonded" typically refers to a person's ability to form emotional connections and build close relationships with others. It may indicate a willingness to commit to and maintain a strong and supportive bond with someone else.

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When a child displays excessive affection towards others, it may indicate a need for attention, validation, or emotional support. It could also be a way for the child to seek comfort or security in their relationships.

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I doubt that it had much effect. Fillmore was not a religious or spiritual person. He did not quote scriptures or indicate that he was influenced by religion.

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No, a strong emotional bond between two men does not necessarily indicate homosexuality or bisexual tendencies. Close friendships and emotional connections are normal and healthy regardless of sexual orientation. It's important not to make assumptions or stereotype based on emotions or relationships.

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He is worried and grieving

What do pauses in arsat's story which occur when he speaks of Diamelen indicate about arsat's emotional state?

He is worried and grieving

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Having someone on your mind and in your spirit all the time typically means that you are constantly thinking about them and feeling a strong emotional connection to them. It may indicate deep affection or concern for that person.

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Several studies indicate that Lesbians tend to have longer relationships than gay men or heterosexual couples.

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Whispering to oneself is not necessarily a problematic condition, and does not in itself indicate any mental or emotional dysfunction.

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He is worried and grieving

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It means he is physically attracted to you and (probably) that he likes you. A kiss on the lips is an indication that he wants a physical relationship with you. How far the physical contact goes is up to you.