okay for girls as far as I know, the armpit hair and below hair come in at about the same time, but the below hair comes in at a faster rate... I hope i helped... what about boys?
Cup your hand under your armpit and then flap your arm up and down
Stanley calls him Theodore. Theodore likes to be called armpit, so he pushed him down to the ground and says, "My name is not Theodore, it is armpit."
Well for it to work well ur armpit has to be kind of sweaty but u can still do it if it's not but make a air pocket with your hand and your hand has to be under your shirt and pull in with your arm so like put your arm up then pull it down fast
No, it comes from the urethra. It is close to the clitoris, but they are separate.
Do you mean armpit hair? If so and ur a girl then normally hair down their or breast developement and ur period is on the way (but probably not soon) your probably going through puberty so congratulations!
It runs from the neck region to the armpit (under the collarbone) and then down the arm.
The Pantheon first burned down in 80 AD. It burned down again in 110. There is a link below to the ancient history section of an article on the Pantheon.
it woke me up, I don't know if it was the way I was sleeping, but it was radiating down the right arm. I'm not having difficulty breathing or having chestpains. It began as a real sharp pain in the right armpit and work down to the elbow and then to the hand. It's almost like my right arm is going dead!
When the Sky Comes Down It Comes Down on Your Head was created in 2001-09.
. The term comes from the fact that the countries are in the Southern Hemisphere, 'below' many other countries on the globe.[
If there is a ring bearer (little boy) they come first, but if not then the flower girl comes down the aisle first; then the bride's maid; maid of honor and then the bride with her father.
What It Comes Down To was created in 1973.