I think that you mix red, blue, and pink because red and blue make purple so add so pink it might look fuchsia
White, bright yellow, and navy all go well with fuchsia.
Fuchsia: a shrub with pendulous tubular flowers - typically of two contrasting colours - named in honour of Leonard Fuchs.
black; lemon yellow, white, greys, turqoise, marine
I think a leopard print goes well with fushia
Ecru, emerald and eggplant are colors. Fuchsia and electric lime are Crayola Crayon colors.
Shamrock Burgundy
Green goes really well with pink.
any colour matches grey, go wild
Fuchsia flowera are different colours, although they are predominantly reds, pinks, lavender and white (or various shades in between)
Her favorite color is Fuchsia. The fuchsia rug was hideous. The sweatervest was fuchsia. Fuchsia is a great color for a towel.
The scientific name would be Fuchsia campos-portoior Fuchsia colimae or Fuchsia denticulata or Fuchsia hatschbachii orFuchsia ravenii or Fuchsia splendens.
very pale lilac, white or black these are the best colour matches