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Pink. Red usually means that you don't brush enough.

A constant color throughout is desired, but whiter gum where it's stretched tight over teeth is fine.

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Q: What color are your gums supposed to be?
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When you floss is there supposed to be blood on it?

No, but if you have sensitive gums it will bleed. Sensetive gums may be caused by lack of brushing or having dental treatment.

Is your gums supposed to be a little black and mostly pink?

no there is no black but just pink

Why did crest 3D whitening strips turn your gums white?

The peroxide is a chemical which bleaches the teeth as well as gums if it comes in contact with them. You are not supposed to put the strips on your gums, but it will go away within a day.

How do you know if infection has started in extracted teeth how should healthy gums look?

gums should be pink, no other color, generally if they are another color, they may be infected

Are guppies tails supposed to change color?

No, they are not supposed to.

What if your cat's gums have black around them?

If your cat's gums have recently turned black it probably has an infection, like gum disease or something. TAKE IT TO THE VET RIGHT AWAY. A cats gums are supposed to be a pinkish red color. If there are any spots of black, like little tiny dots, make an attempt to brush your cats teeth, it might just be food. but if you cats gums are black, don't hesitate to take it to the vet.ADD:Actually, some cats have black colouring/blotches on their gums and the roof of the mouth. This is a completely natural pigment to their mouths. However, if your cat's gums are not usually black and have turned black from a light pink colour then it is advisable to take it to the vet as soon as possible.

What are you supposed to do if you got badly burned on your gums to where it blisters up and then the blister rips off and your left with raw flesh?

go to the dentist .....

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Um... What?

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What color should dogs gums be?

I've seen them in many shades of pink. If their tounge/gums are blue then they NEED A VET, THAT MEANS THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH OXYGEN IN THEIR BLOOD, they will die soon if you put this off.

What does herpetic gingivostomatitis look like?

The infected areas of the gums turn red in color and have whitish herpetic lesions

What color is the maintenance required window supposed to be?
