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oxy contin is hill billy heroin..... basically legal morphine. in the same familes as opiums.... generally taken for short term as it is highly addictive.

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Q: What color are oxy cotton pills?
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oxy cotton and morphine are the only 2 pills that i have ever heard of that are similar to heroin

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a few oxy pills

What is a good slogan for an oxygen company We need to freshin up our slogan?

Oxygen..... Another word for life! Breath oxygen Oxy....Cotton just kidding oxy....gen Oxygen..... Another word for life! Breath oxygen Oxy....Cotton just kidding oxy....gen

Can you use oxy for colored clothes?

Yes, Oxy products are color safe.

Is there a difference between oxy cotton and oxy contin?

No, oxycotton is simply a misspelling of Oxycontin. Both of these names refer to a preparation of the drug oxycodone.

What does oxy cotten look like?

oxy cotten looks like a pill the pill is different colours depending on how many milligrams the oxy cotten pill is for example 40 miligram pills are yellow and 80 milligram pills are blue oxy cotten pills always have an oc label on them that's how you can tell if it is an oxy cotten But actually there are generic versions of oxy's....There is prolly about five or six different kinds of generics and they DO NOT SAY OC ON THEM..but another way to find out is call poisen control or look them up on the internet.most of them will say the miligram that's another to find out.but not all of them show the miligram..

If we are adding the gin of rose and cotton gin is it possible for get colour cotton from plantation?

No!, only if you get color is if you create your own color and color the cotton.

Will acetone destroy a cotton canvas or get a pen ink stain out?

It will not destroy a cotton canvas. It is highly flammable, tho, so I wouldn't recommend it. Try Oxy-Clean instead.

What is the name of a Brazilian funk song that contains the background music of the song Greased Lightning?

Oxy Cotton- Lil Whyte

How do you remove linseed oil from clothes without fading the color?

Well, when you find a little linseed oil on your clothes, don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Just grab some dish soap and gently work it into the affected area. Then, wash the garment in warm water. Remember, accidents happen, and with a little love and care, your clothes will be as good as new.

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How long does a 30 mg dosage of oxy codone last?

if you take it orally and you don't have any opiate tolerance, it will last 7 or 8 hours --- 7-8 hours is true for oxy cotton, usually oxy codone is an instant release prescribed for break through pain lasting usually 3-4 hours.