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small intestine

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Q: What cleans out poisons in blood and takes vitamins out of the blood?
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What is the largest single organ thaat cleans out poison in blood and takes vitamins out of the blood?

The largest filtering organ is the liver.

How do kids die for alcohol poisoning?

There body takes in too much alcohol for them to handle. The alcohol poisons the blood leading to alcohol poisoning.

What does your body get rid of when blood travels?

Your blood gets rid of wastes that you don't need in your body. And the BLUE vain is the one that takes the wastes from your blood and cleans it and won't get toxic and won't go away. Hope my ans help you. :)

Why diseases that affect the liver pose serious health risks?

Your liver is what cleans your blood so if a disease strikes your liver your going to have uncleaned blood. Fact: It takes up to an hour for your liver to clean out the achool of just 1 glass.

How do dialysis helps when a person has a kidney problem?

Basically, your kidneys job is to clean and filter the blood. When your kidney is not working properly it can't filter out the good between the bad. What dialysis does is that it uses a machine to clean out the blood. They hook you up to the machine which then takes the blood out, goes through the machine which cleans it and then send the "good" blood back to you.

What is a stable worker?

a stable worker is someone who cleans the stable and takes care of the horses

What is kayam churna used for?

kayam churna takes care of constipation and cleans your system

How does your liver clean your blood?

it takes a shower then it washes its body then put lotion on it then eats some pumpkin pie with extra whip cream then uses only lotion as mouthwash then it takes a nap then dies then comes back to life lake god and then dies again then comes back to life again then cleans your blood then dies again

How long do vitamins stay in your body?

vitamins are of two types-- water soluble and fat soluble. water soluble vitamins can not be stored for long as they get excreted dissolved in water in urine. but fat soluble vitamins can be stored for long in our body as these vitamins, dissolved in fats, can be stored in adipose tissues.

What is the purpose of the small intestine in the digestive system?

The small intestine is where the majority of digestion takes place. It is where the nutrients, vitamins, minerals are removed from food and taken into the blood stream for use in the body.

Is there something that cleans out a baby chick's system?

There is no reason to give a chick a colonic! There are water soluble vitamins you can add to the water available at feed stores. Many have preventative medication. It takes a few days for the chicks digestive system to work right so as long as it is eating and drinking don't fuss with it.

Can an 21 year old female still get taller if he takes certain vitamins?

No, you have stopped growing. The height is in your genes and vitamins can not change that.