browning is due to oxygen, O2, reacting with chemicals released, breaking down the cells in the fruit. The reaction is called enzymatic oxidation as it is a process catalysed by the enzymes present in the apples
you can prevent an apple from browning by adding lemon juice to it
If you keep the cut apple under water if will stop the oxygen in the air to react with the apple and no browning will occur.
there are chemicals that help the bacteria grow.
Yes, the browning of an apple core is a redox reaction. This process involves the oxidation of the compounds in the apple, such as polyphenols, which leads to the formation of brown pigments.
An apple called Arctic Apple has been genetically modified to be non-browning.
The vinegar will cause more browning on a red apple rather than a green apple because i did it for my science fair! and that was the results.
chemical reaction.
Browning of the apples is caused by the oxidation of the enzyme phenol oxidase:phenol oxidase + oxygen---------------melanins
Spraying Windex on an apple can cause it to degrade because Windex is not meant for consumption and contains chemicals that are harmful to ingest. The apple may appear rotten due to the chemicals in the Windex, but the apple itself is not actually decaying.
Lemon juice preserves the apple and keeps it from oxidizing. People use it on apple slices to prevent them from browning. It does not make them rot.
The air has carbon dioxide in it, & it turns the apple if it's left out too long. I think it is the oxygen in the air that oxidizes the apple. The oxidation reaction basically forms a sort of rust on the surface of the fruit. You see the browning when the fruit is cut or bruised because these actions damage the cells in the fruit, allowing oxygen in the air to react with enzymes and other chemicals.
If they are sitting out, not in a fridge, I would say about 30 minutes. If they are in the fridge, they have about double that time. To keep your apples from browning you can put lemon juice on them and this will delay the browning process.