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They both diffuse the particles in order to reduce the boner.

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Q: What characteristic is shared by simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?
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What are the 3 types of diffusion?

simple diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion.

How does facilitated diffusion from simple diffusion?

It doesn't. (answer by RRU member Cyrem)

Three types of passive transport?

There are three forms of passive transport, or the movement of biochemical and other atomic or molecular substances across the cell membranes. They are: osmosis, simple diffusion or facilitated diffusion, and filtration.

What is the similarity between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

both need transport protein

What are the types of diffusions?

In Biology there are three types of diffusion. There are simple, channel, and facilitated diffusion.

What is the transport that moves a solute down the concentration gradient?

Simple diffusion

How is active transport different than simple and facilitated diffusion?

simple and facilitated diffusion don't require energy and are forms of passive transport. Active transport requires energy

How simple diffusion can be distinguished from facilitated diffusion?

simple diffusion transports smaller molecules like oxygen and water while facilitated diffusion transports larger molecules like glucose and requires energy

What are the three transport processes that do not require cell energy?

Passive Transport,Facilitated Diffusion, and Simple Diffusion

How does diffusion take place in the body?

P.I.S.O.- Potassium in Sodium out facilitated diffusion, active transport , and passive transport and simple diffusion.

Two types of passive transports are?

PASSIVE TRANSPORTS ARE OF TWO TYPES. 1)SIMPLE DIFFUSION 2)FACILITATED DIFFUSION 1)SIMPLE DIFFUSION:-diffusion of water and dissolved gas is simple. when concentration on both sides of membrane becomes the same,it stops. 2)FACILITATED DIFFUSION:-this also occurs along concentration gradient with help of carrier molecules.

Cells take in oxygen by simple diffusion and glucose by facilitated diffusion Therefore oxygen uptake and glucose uptake will differ from each other in all respects except what?

the need for ATP ANSWER Facilitated diffusion and diffusion do differ in ATP requirments