you drink to much lemonade
You are either not drinking enough liquids, or you are taking vitamins without food and peeing them all out.
Bile gives urine the yellowish sparkly clour bits
urine is produced when you drink alot of water and your bladder pees out a clear yellowish color. =D
It could be an infection or something else. See your doctor, taking a sample with you.
Urine should be a pale yellowish. A red color can indicate blood is present and you need to see a doctor as this may point to a bladder infection. A bright yellow color can point to someone who is taking a lot of vitamin B. Some medicines, blackberries, beets or rhubarb, can turn urine red-brown.
It sounds as though your bladder is full. What colour is your urine normally?
Taking supplemental riboflavin causes a harmless intense orange or yellow discoloration of the urine.
Typically, summer temperatures cause people to become dehydrated. Dehydrated people produce concentrated urine.
urine is produced when you drink alot of water and your bladder pees out a clear yellowish color. =D
this is urine. it should not burn when you pee. congrats on your healthiness.
If you are taking Phenobarbital and you are now taking fiorcet can a urine screen detect the fiorcet?