A jellyfish looks like a balloon or umbrella and trails hundreds of stinging tentacles.
When you rub a balloon on your head, electrons are transferred from your hair to the balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge. This negative charge creates static electricity, which causes the balloon to stick to surfaces like walls or hair due to the attraction between the positive and negative charges.
Sleep is vital to your body. if you don't get enough, your body will eventually shut down. actually, its kind of like a balloon, an air filled balloon. sleep is the actual balloon, and the air is your energy, if your sleep, (outer cover of the balloon) is gone somehow (puncture in the balloon) your energy (air) is going to escape. get it??
A balloon sticks to the ceiling due to static electricity. When the balloon rubs against a surface, it gains a negative charge, which causes it to be attracted to positively charged surfaces like ceilings. This attraction is strong enough to overcome the force of gravity, making the balloon stick to the ceiling temporarily.
This effect occurs due to the polarization of the water molecules. Initially, the balloon causes the water molecules to align in such a way that the positive side is attracted to the balloon. Upon repetition, this alignment can reverse, leading to a repelling force between the balloon and the stream of water.
exercise balls can explode but this depends on the material and the amount of weight you put on these balls. over time they may tear or break but they will not pop like a balloon because they are made from a thicker material.
When a balloon is rubbed against another object like hair, electrons are transferred from one surface to the other, resulting in an imbalance of charge. The balloon becomes negatively charged, causing it to attract positively charged particles in the environment, creating static electricity.
Constantly squeezing them together. It works, really! It's like a butt exercise (:
Rubbing a balloon on your hair or woolen material creates static electricity. This causes the balloon to become negatively charged and attract positively charged objects, such as small pieces of paper or hair. The static charge on the balloon can also cause your hair to stand on end due to the repulsion of like charges.
Junk food combined with lack of exercise. Just like everywhere else.
The lungs are like a balloon because they expand and contract as we breathe, similar to how air fills and exits a balloon.
Roller skating offers great cardiovascular exercise. It builds strong leg muscles and causes less stress to your joints than other types of cardiovascular exercise like running.