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the moisture from your mouth is heat so it makes it into hot air an fit comes out as vapor

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Q: What causes the fog that comes out of your mouth on a cold day?
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What causes the fog that comes out of your mouth on a clod day?

Your breath.

Why do you see your breathe in a cold day?

Because you have water vapor on your mouth when you breath it out the water vapor turns to water like how rain comes

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A Warm Day Comes After a Cold Winter - 1995 was released on: USA: 1995

Does it rain more than its sunny in uzbekistan?

Yes it does because when its really hot day and the hot air goes to the athmosphere than it comes back as cold air which causes rain and sun at the same time.

On a very cold morning, Boojho and Paheli were talking with each other as they walked down to their school. They observed that the air coming out of their mouth looked like smoke. They assumed and wondered how it happened. Help them to find the answer?

On a cold day, the warm and moist air exhaled by us condenses into mist when it comes in contact with the cold air of the atmosphere. This looks like white smoke.

Why you can see vapour on the surface of ice in winter?

When warmer air comes into contact with the cold surface of the ice, it causes condensation of water vapor in the air, forming tiny water droplets that appear as mist or fog on the surface of the ice. This effect is similar to what happens when you see your breath on a cold day.

Your betta lays at the bottom of his bowl all day only moving to take a breath and his mouth is white is he dying?

yes it is dieing because it needs to move around and eat if the mouth in white it is cold or sick. yes it is dieing because it needs to move around and eat if the mouth in white it is cold or sick.

What causes cold sensitivity?

Often, a person cracks a tooth. Cold and sugar are two items that can cause some surprising pain, as the crack leads down to the root (nerve endings) of the tooth. Normal teeth can be sensitive to cold, as well. My teeth, for instance, are all very healthy, yet if I go for a walk on a cold, cold day and breath through my mouth, my teeth will invariably ache later, worse, and worse, until I have to take an Ibuprofin. Owie.

How will you show that your breath contains moisture?

By the saliva in your mouth? Look at your breath on a cold day outside. Breathe on a mirror and watch it fog.

What happens to the volume of the balloon that is taken outside on cold winter day explain?

The volume of the balloon will decrease when taken outside on a cold winter day. This is because the cold temperature causes the air inside the balloon to contract, making it occupy less space.

What happens to dew during the day?

rain comes

What process causes day and night?

When the sun rises and when the sun goes down and the moon comes up in the night ?:)