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Fluid retention caused by excess salt intake can cause swollen ankles and a swollen neck. Usually, a swollen neck is caused by swollen lymph nodes which are caused by an infection of some type but since your ankles are swollen also I would suspect fluid retention. Try severely limiting your intake of salt. Do not just eliminate white table salt. Also eliminate salt from processed meats and snacks.

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Q: What causes swollen ankles and swollen neck at the same time?
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Lol there is no cure for cracking your ankles, fingers, neck etc. It's just a habit you have to learn, control and break of. if you pop your fingers as a teen and you continue on as you get older they'll begin to swell up and get sore. same as if you pop your neck. one day you'll pop you neck and you wont be able to move your head anymore.

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same thing that causes bruising everywhere. crushed blood cells.

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You should see your doctor!!!

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