At the moment i have a very red, blotchy neck although mines was just caused by wash wipes that i have taken an allergic reaction too.. it is probably something you have used on your neck for example, perfume or lotion or maybe its just from sun exposure. any of these options are quite likely.
ye nans bummmmmmm
Welts on the back of the tongue can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, certain infections, irritation from spicy or acidic foods, or contact with irritants like tobacco or alcohol. It's important to consult a healthcare professional if welts persist or are accompanied by other symptoms.
Do they seem to follow the ribs, if so they may be shingles. This would be very rare at her age, unless she has a immune system problem. Make an appointment to see her doctor.
As the name suggests, folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles. Symptoms include itchy, white, pus-filled bumps which can occur anywhere on the body, or red, itchy pustules on the back and chest.
people get itchy eyes because the subane in your eye are either to cold or to warm and they begin to feel itchy so yeah
No, you can get welts in your head. Knots usually are in the shoulder or back
What is four red spots on stomach different sizes, that don't itch?
begins in the abdomen and may radiate to the chest, back, or the area between the shoulders
A lump on the back of your head that is itchy may be from an inset bite. If the lump does not go away, visit a doctor.
its pretty much acne
neck and left arm aches related to angina ,