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mucus causes green saliva>

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Q: What causes green saliva?
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What substance in the mouth causes chemicals changes?


What causes saliva to sink down?

Saliva sinks down, when you swallow. But Saliva kills germs on your tongue.

Which Food stops the production of saliva?

Green fruits.

How do dogs spit?

dogs cannot spit becasue they do not have the same saliva glands that we have they have ones called saliva utocus which make green saliva if the dog is ill

What is the colour of universal indicator in saliva?

The universal indicator in saliva typically appears green or blue in color.

Can saliva causes HIV aids?

Yes, but it would take an ENORMOUS amount of saliva to transmit the virus. Like a few hundred gallons.

What causes wet fur around a dog's mouth?


Can choking on saliva cause pneumonia?

No. Certain bacteria causes pneumonia.

What causes increasing episodes of difficulty swallowing food saliva?

The autoimmune disease Sjogren's syndrome causes damage to moisture producing glands of the body. This can result in difficulty swallowing food and decreased saliva.

Saliva What causes saliva to stop producing when laying down making swallowing very difficult?

When lying down, gravity causes saliva to pool at the back of the mouth, leading to the sensation of decreased saliva production. This can make swallowing difficult due to the accumulation of saliva in the throat. Additionally, certain medical conditions or medications can also affect saliva production, leading to dry mouth or difficulty swallowing. It's advisable to seek medical advice if this issue persists.

What causes decrease in salivary secretion?

Salivary glands secrets saliva in our mouth

Who said that saliva causes cancer but only when swallowed in small quantities over a long period of time?

“Saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time.”―George Carlin