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i think it is diskusting

ANSWER First, if you are going to say that something is digusting, please, for the love of God, spell it right...-_- Either way, having a pimple under your arm (in your armpit) is from sweating...Usually this happens during strenous activity... If you continue having this prouble, you should try and wear baby-powder, or another form of powder that will be able to absorb your sweat. In easiest terms, when you sweat overly much during strenous activity, such as running, the sweat has no place to go besides on the hairs under your arm and on your skin. Thusly, the sweat clogs your pores and you will end up with the sweat pimple. Hope this was helpful :-) ANSWER it's probably an ingrown hair which you get from shaving

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15y ago
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13y ago
Well just when you touch your face or you sweat you get zitz. You won't get zits or acne under/ on your armpits from touching " The Pits". You get acneflaws from sweating. If i may suggest a tip Do Not Use proactive, clean& clear, or anyother acne controler on your pits. I sugggest Deoderant. If you have more acne down there i suggest thicker layers of deoderant or clincal stregnth deoderant.

Girls- Secret, orange blosssom verbena

Boys- Old spice ( no recommended scent)

Pimples come from bacteria that live on the skin and create blockage in sebaceous glands. The pits don't have as many as the face. What you might be experiencing is ingrown hair or boils. If you shave your pits, you might even be experiencing a form of folliculitis. Keep your pits clean and don't try to shave too close. Eat a healthy diet, too. Lay off the grease.

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10y ago

The first answer that leaps to mind is a heat rash, which you can usually cure by keeping the area very clean and dry. Talcum powder, loose shirts, all help. If this doesn't show improvement, on to other things.

Also -- look around for what's different in your life (and in your armpit). Are you using a new detergent? Wearing a shirt that wasn't laundered before wearing (to wash off the sizing -- the starchy substances shirt makers use to keep shirts looking fresh and wrinkle-free in the wrapping)? Wearing a new (often synthetic) material you haven't worn before? Perhaps a new deodorant? If "Yes" to any of these things, try going back to the old ways and see if this helps.

If none of these easy answers works, one possibility that comes to mind is a skin-based or even systemic infection -- staph possibly -- though it's hard to say without a culture or at least a look. While easily treated, this one the doctor handles.

I would avoid topical steroids, such as any cream that has the word "steroid" in the name -- there are a thousand of these at the pharmacy. While they'd treat an allergy, we're going to see if we can first get you away from what is causing the allergy. And if it is staph, steroids can make it worse.

Check at a pharmacy: If you can find Benadryl cream (or any similar cream) that does contain diphenhydramine but is without steroids, give that a try.

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11y ago

well maybe the arm pit might itch. Then I would clean it with either alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide. If it is not really bothering you, maybe you might just want to drink some vodka? Maybe you could count the bumps or play connect the dots. yet I have found the washing with dial soap or the other alcohol or peroxide thing work well.

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16y ago

Hey I have the same problem. People say that its because of dead skin around your armpit. And it can also mean the brand of deodorant you use, search it up on Google you'll get answers:D

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12y ago

Well it may be from shaving and the razor irritation. Or just swollen lympnoids

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11y ago

You could have an ingrown hair or an abscess, or it could be something with your lymph glands. If it hurts and/or persists, check in with your doctor.

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13y ago

You might want to change dioderants or you have razor burn. Try some over the counter creams.

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Q: What causes dark spots under your armpit?
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