

What causes body smell?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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  • sweating
  • smoking
  • bad skin
  • alcohol
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Q: What causes body smell?
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What makes your body smell?

to much exercise causes sweat.

How do you keep the smell of axe on your body?

If you like the smell of Axe body spray, you can keep the smell on your body. There are shampoos, body sprays and perfumes that can be used to keep the smell on your body.

What causes the inside of your belly button to smell when there are no piercings?

Bacterial growth causes your navel to smell.

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What causes a foul cheesy smell in a woman's body?

I always thought there was something fishy about that myself but you have brought up a new area. My question is: In what part of her body are you sniffing?

How smell is generated?

Smell is generated when molecules from an object enter the nose and bind to olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity. These receptors then send signals to the brain's olfactory bulb, which processes the information and allows us to perceive the smell. The specific combination of molecules and receptors leads to different scents being detected.

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Can butter flies smell?

they use their hairs on their body to smell

What body parts are used to smell with?

The nose is the primary organ used to smell with. The olfactory nerve in the nose detects odor molecules in the air and sends signals to the brain to interpret them as different scents.

We can't smell the perfume on our own body but a person approaching can smell it why?

We get used to the smell. You can smell it when you first put it on.

Why do your socks smell?

sweat combined with the use lenght of time of the shoe causes that. Edit: It is the bacteria that grows in the warm, moist environment of our feet that causes them to smell.

Is it me or do i smell funny?

It is not just you. You probably do smell funny. Try a new body soap, deoderant, and body spray.