It sounds like you have a bad catalytic convertor. They can be pretty expensive to replace and they are not repairable. The guy at your local muffler shop can check it for sure.
cause they smell
if you have the ac on to long it starts to stink cause the filter picks up the smell and the smell spreads i suggest you get it cleaned
Several thing scan cause a burning smell from a car A/C. One cause can be that the compressor is burning up. Another possibility is a wiring shortage.
The cribriform of the ethmoid bone causes anosmia.
Google for 'misfire'.
Bacterial growth causes your navel to smell.
what causes the smell of a crayon
Cylinder #4 misfire. The cause is usually in the secondary circuit. (You can often smell the catalytic converter trying to process the unburned fuel. If so, that confirms your problem's electrical, not in your fuel system.) In earlier models, typical cause is high-resistance (bad, internally broken) spark plug wire. In later models, typical cause is a bad coil (coil on plug--COP) for engines so equipped.
Yes cabbage can cause a urine smell.
Your hair shouldn't smell after you straighten it. That is if your doing it the right way. But if your not, it causes you rhair to have a funky odor. Like the smell of burning flesh. If it does smell then the heat is up to high and it will cause your hair to smell and sometimes break-off, or have so called split ends.
It's asparagus season! It can cause an unpleasant smell in all person's urine, but only about 22% of the population. Some supplements like CLA could produce that smell, but better confirm its not an UTI
I causes a constant allergic reaction in the upper respiratory tract, leading to chronic inflammations, thus affecting the smell sense, which means causing damage to your olfactory system.