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First I believe the distinction between bloating and distention must be established. Bloating is the feeling you get when your abdominal region is larger while distention is the actual "physical" finding that your abdominal area is larger than normal.

Distention is a more serious condition than bloating, and it can be caused by three different things:

  • Air
  • Fluid
  • Tissue

Gas is the most common cause of bloating and distention. Some causes of these gasses include;

  • Lactose and food intolerance
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Food Allergies
  • Gas-producing foods
  • Beans
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, onions, artichokes and asparagus
  • Fruits such as Pears, apples, peaches
  • Whole grains - whole wheat, bran
  • Soft and fruit drinks
  • Milk or milk products
  • Artificial sweeteners - Sorbitol & fructose

The production of gases is not the only cause of bloating, distention, gas and flatulence. Other common causes of pain and discomfort could be:

  • Overeating
  • Alvarez' syndrome (neurotic bloating with out the presence of gas)
  • Partial bowel obstruction
  • Constipation
  • Menstruation and premenstrual stress syndrome
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cysts
  • Intestinal Parasties
  • Diverticulosis or diverticulitis
  • Peri-menopause & menopause
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14y ago
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10y ago

Some causes of a distended stomach are bowel obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, acid reflux, intestinal gas, and constipation. If the cause is fluid buildup or ascites, it can be a symptom of cancer.

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12y ago

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13y ago

being pregnant or eating too much, also ovarian cancers or tumors and food or gluten allergies as well as constipation,gas and drinking too much.

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11y ago

Bloated stomachs can be caused by dairy products, eating too fast (or drinking too fast), constipation, acid reflux disease, celiac disease, or being too fat among other causes.

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Q: What causes a distended stomach?
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What does a distended stomach mean?

Well, stomach means stomach. "Distended" means stretched out, bulging, bloated, that kind of thing. If you're asking what causes it, lots of things can cause it.

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Good question. An opossums stomach is about an inch and a half.

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Your stomach can distend due to a variety of reasons, including overeating, swallowing excess air, consuming gas-producing foods, or underlying medical conditions like bloating or gastrointestinal issues. When the stomach becomes bloated or distended, it can cause discomfort, pain, and a feeling of fullness. It's important to address the underlying cause to alleviate the symptoms.

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What is distension?

Gastric means of the digestive system, especially the stomach. Distention is abnormal inflation of the stomach, such as from swallowing air. Distention is visually noticeable, whereas bloating is not necessarily observed.Fluid surrounding the organs had distended the abdomen.The EMT adjusted the patient's airway during CPR when the professional noticed the patient's upper abdomen was becoming distended.

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There are several possible causes, ranging from simple gas build-up to a twisted stomach. If your dog is still alive after two days, a complete intestinal or gastric obstruction has been ruled out. However, your dog could still have a partial obstruction that can still be fatal. For this reason, you need to get your dog to a veterinarian immediately for examination and treatment. Other potential causes of a distended stomach include fluid or blood in the abdominal cavity, unexpected late-term pregnancy (in an intact female dog), cancer or severe worm infestation.

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Gastric means of the digestive system, especially the stomach. Distention is abnormal inflation of the stomach, such as from swallowing air. Distention is visually noticeable, whereas bloating is not necessarily observed.Fluid surrounding the organs had distended the abdomen.The EMT adjusted the patient's airway during CPR when the professional noticed the patient's upper abdomen was becoming distended.

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