Cold water actually should help make the sore throat feel better due to a numbing affect.
Absolutely! In fact, ice cream is widely recognized as a sore throat soother. By no means does it cure the ailment, but it does make it feel better!
Depends if its long or not... i wouldn't go deep throating if you have a sore throat...
Does your throat feel raw and sore? If the answer is yes, you have a sore throat.
There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.
Yes it does it makes it feel better
This is common, your voice needs training to sing. When you feel sore, give your voice and throat a break. When you feel better, sing again.
it will not work and it will probably make you feel weird or make you have a sore throat. I've tried it once and it didn't work and plus I felt both weird and my throat became sore.
smoking is bad, with or without a sore throat. though, if you do have a sore throat i would recommend not smoking for a while as the chemicals and drugs in the cigarettes could make your sore throat worse. hope this helped.
Here is how you can cure a sore throat. You can cure a sore throat by drinking warm beverages. For example, you can have coffee, tea, soup, etc. Even if cold items feel better on your throat, hot bevrages are still better. They are better because if you drink something hot, it heats the mucus in the back of your throat, making it go away. Cold beverages create more mucus, even though it feels better. Also, stay away from dairy products. For example, ice cream, coffee cream, milk, cheese, all of that. That is the best way to cure a sore throat. If that doesn't work, try taking medicine, or call your doctor. You may have strep throat. And you want to cure it before it gets worse and spreads.
It's called a sore throat because it hurts. If you feel pain in your throat, that is a sore throat.
you can get a sore throat By shouting