You can use one of 2 things. One this is an all natural lip moisturizer the other is a all natural face cream to apply to your lips morning and night. You want to stay away from most lip balms, they contain chemicals that actually dry your lips out the more you use it. It's like a quick fix, it will help a little but in the end your lips are still dry. The inventor of lip balms name was Dr. C. D. Fleet. He started an unfortunate standard by using petroleum jelly in his Chap Stick lip balm. It has only become clear recently just how ineffective petroleum jelly is as a lip balm. Petroleum jelly isn't absorbed by the skin, it keeps the skin from breathing and after awhile it actually makes your lips more dry/chapped. You need something all natural but not only that but the right formulation to repair the dryness. The lips are a skin too just like the rest of the body, when you have dry lips you have damaged skin. You need a product that will work travel to the bottom layers of the skin work from the bottom up to unpack the dry, dead and damaged cells, and put the moisture back.
Carmex works wonders for cold sores, but also for chapped lips (especially the corners of your mouth). I find that drinking lots of water during the day prevents dehydration which can lead to chapped lips. Also, try drinking through a straw to prevent the lip from getting wet and drying out. You don't want to lick your lips or get them too wet or else they dry out (like when you get out of the shower during winter and your skin gets dry). Keep the lips moisturized with lip balm (moisturizing) or chapstick (one with SPF protection from sun and wind). Keep it with you and apply as often as needed.
Vaseline is a great way to heal any chapped skin. many people are not allergic to it and it is fairly inexpensive. They have a tube made especially for lips that you can apply around the mouth as well. It is also not as shiny a some other products, so typically it woun't cause you any embarrassment.
Vaseline is good - i also find that blistex roll on works really well if you apply it every 20 minutes or so and it works within about a day
i have really chapped lips and i just put chap stick on over night. when i wake up my lips are hardly chapped anymore.
lips get chapped/dry
you just either take it off, or eat with it on and risk licking the chap stick off your lips.
vaseline is a very good subsitute for chap stick but it makes your lips very shiny:)
Chap stick works and also vaseline!
You will stain your lips.
Heck no! if they were permanent then almost everyone would have them ever second of every day. All you need is to exfoliate your lips and moisturize them with a really good chap stick. I love to use carmex moisture+ and berts bees, both are really great but taste horrible so that you don't lick your lips.
No, kissing is defined to be directly pressing ones lips onto another, not the chap stick.
to make ur lips healthy and soft
pimples and chapped lips
to prevent your lips from getting dry keep them hydrated if you are a guy you should use chap stick if you are a girl maybe u should use your favorite lip gloss or chap stick but not lip stick, another way to stop it s by NOT licking your lips even if it is hard DONT do it and try your HARDEST