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the two objects in question have different densities. The denser object has more mass.

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Q: What can you tell about two objects that have the same volume but different masses?
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How is it possible for objects to have the same volume but different masses?

Their masses are different. (Mass = density * volume)

Can two objects with the same volume have different masses if so why?

Yes they can, if they have different densities.

If two solids have the same masses but different volumes they have?

If two solids have the same masses but different volumes they have different densities.

Could two objects with the same volume have different masses?

Ceratinly. It depends on their densities.

Why different objects have different masses?

Objects have different mass because they not weighted the same..

Why do 2 objects of different masses dropped from the same height hit the ground at the same time?

Most likely because they're the same weight. Objects can have completely different masses and have the same weight.

How Mass and volume can affect the density of the volume?

The definition of density is mass per unit volume. For any object or sample of a substance, it can be calculated as (mass) divided by (volume). If two objects or samples with the same volume have different masses, the one with the greater mass has greater density. If two objects or samples with the same mass have different volumes, the one with the greater volume has smaller density.

What effect does the shape of an object have upon its density?

when you are comparing 3 objects of the same volume but different masses, which ever one is the heaviest, is the most dense and the lightest is the least dense. This is because Denisty= Mass ÷ Volume and when the volumes are the same, you just need to compare the masses.

Do objects that are the same size fall at the same rate?

Yes. And objects with different sizes, masses, and weights also fall the same.

How can a gallon of milk can have different density than a gallon of water even though it has the same volume?

Though they have same volume,they have different masses.

If you have 2 objects with the same volume do they have the same mass?

No, this is actually very unlikely. An object made of balsa wood and an object made of steel, even if they have identical volumes will have very different masses!

How much space will liquids take up if they have the same volume but different masses?

Although they have different masses (meaning one is denser than the other), they will take up exactly the same amount of space because they have the same volume.