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Q: What can you take to have a good sleep?
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just sleep,take showers,sleep at a good time,.

How you sleep?

make your body tired,and take some fresh air deep into your lungs then go to bed you will get good sleep

What is a good way of getting to sleep?

Sometimes I need to take 10 mg of ambien to help me get to sleep from the hectic day I usually have.

Is it good to sleep with a panties on?

Lol it is good to sleep with it. I sleep with it everyday.

What are some good ways to get to sleep without having to take medication?

Herbal Nytol

Do you sleep better if you take a shower before bed?

if you really need it then you can have but it dose make you awake more it might take you awhile to go to sleep so I say no it not a good idea

How long willl it take to get the bags under your eyes to go away?

after a good nights sleep

What time should does tomorrows take that concert start?

Early, so get a good night's sleep.

Which of the two is correct when you tell it to another person have good night sleep or have good night's sleep?

Have a good nights sleep.

If you happy in sleep?

sleep is good

Why did your guy let you sleep over?

You need to be very careful honey some guy will try to take advantage of you. It's not a good Idea to sleep over with your boy friend.

What do bunnies do?

Eat, sleep, jump, hop, be alert, take a dump, etc.