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Jz drink plenty of water...!!!

Also, eat good meals and get extra sleep and rest.

However, to avoid a cold, wash your hands more often, especially before handling food. Keep fingers out of your mouth, nose and eyes. Be aware of pre-cold symptoms such as feeling tired for no particular reason or other signs unique to yourself which you have noticed over time.

This is the best time to take action to fight off cold symptoms which will worsen without attention. I take about 500 mg of vitamin C every hour on the first day and about 60 mg of zinc the first dose followed by 30 mg every subsequent hour. I'm not so sure anymore that the vit. C does much but the zinc does and you will probably feel less tired after 2 or 3 hours. Vitamins are concentrated food and they do not 'attack' a cold virus. I'm not medically trained but I think the C and especially the zinc strengthen ones immune system. Three days of taking these vitamins is recommended even if you start thinking, "no, I don't think I really was coming down with a cold."

If you are feeling better the second and third days, taking less C and zinc may be okay, but continue to take some regularly - every hour or so and you may not get a cold at all, i.e., no symptoms and no virus. It's a little more likely that you will have the cold virus for 7 to 10 days but with none of the typical symptoms; probably just feeling tired. Or if the cold virus is a strong one you may catch the cold, i.e., have all the symptoms even though you did everything you could.

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14y ago
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15y ago

A cold is a virus. Your white blood cells have to take care of it. You can't kill something that isn't alive.

Insuring Good Health of White Blood Cells-

1. Take plenty of vitamin B6 helps create Antibodies. Found in Grapes, Mangos, Watermelon, and bananas.

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15y ago

All you can do is treat the symptoms, so over the counter medications are usually enough, I usually take come kind of nasal degongestant to clear the sinus and paracetemol for the headache. Fluids and rest will do everything else!

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14y ago

The best thing to do for a cold is to go to a health food store and buy some remedies that will at least make the cold symptoms subside. Since the common cold is viral, antibiotics would not help.

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16y ago

I was always told that it was safe to take Tylenol, I'm not sure what else you can take. Ask your Dr. he/she will tell you what other meds are safe.

Hope this helps.

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15y ago

You can take medicine or see a doctor. Drinking fluid such as water and sometimes Orange Juice helps

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15y ago

Lots of rest, and vitamins. Try some Ester-C works like a charm.

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12y ago

Theraflu works well for the common cold. DayQuil during the day and NyQuil at night.

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