Due to the fact that no specific activity is specified, I presume you just mean in everyday life.
Using less energy can be achieved by lack of movement, eating easy to digest foods, (as digestion can use a lot of energy) and keeping yourself warm enough, so energy is not used in excess to try and maintain the body's optimum temperature.
Energy Star dishwashers use less electricity, although they generally use less water as well.
The more renewable energy we use the less non-renewable energy we use. And if we use less of it, it'll last longer.
Sure. Most forms of energy that we use, we have to pay for one way or another. Use less, pay less.
If I had access to solar energy I would use more of it.
use no power
LCD monitors use far less energy then plasma monitors.
Because to the extent there is less use of water you have to pump less and so less energy consumed.
if you make your own energy from wind.
You can use an energy-saving bulb to save energy. Obviously an energy-saving bulb uses energy, but it uses less than the old sort - about 80% less. In saving energy you will have lower bills to pay for the energy you use, and the environment also benefits because less CO2 is released into the atmosphere at your nearest power plant.
Use coal less