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Q: What can you do to stop getting stressed and upset so easily?
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be cool and dont bother her

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Tell them to stop getting high because when they are high they are oblivious to their surroundings. At least they care about you being upset when they are not high

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You should speak to a doctor about getting your nose to stop twitching. Nose twitching can be a sign of nerve damage. It also can happen when people are tired or stressed out.

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don't upset her

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yes high school has bullys every school has bullys but to stop them we need to tell someone its not grassing its saving you from getting upset and if you dont stop them it could effect you for the rest of you life

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wrap your face in a paper towel and duck your in a pond its relieves mental stress

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Summer vacation is good because student do not get stressed about school. when students get stressed out then they stop eating and or have sleeping problems.

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Demeter was upset because her daughter Persephone was taken to the underworld by Hades without her consent, causing her to grieve and stop the earth from producing crops.

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girls are very stubborn they will stop at nothing when they think they are right girls get easily hurt and are very sensitive so saying the wrong thing can make them upset and when they get upset they take it out on you and they will burn it into there head that they are right and always will be

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We SHOULD ALWAYS and will have school uniforms! That way the bullying will stop about fashion trends... And when kids try to show their emotion in the regular clothing, then other might get stressed if they are upset etc. so. I think Kids should NOT be able to express their feelings with clothing. - Tom Lance Principal of School

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Labor in sheep is often intermittent over a period of several days. If the sheep becomes frightened or stressed, it can stop labor.

Is it possible to become so stressed out that suddenly you stop feeling it?

Yes. It is called 'overload' or 'traumatic stress'.