Scrub with a toothbursh or get a specialist tongue cleaner. Depending on the nature of the spots on the tongue, it can indicate poor general health or infections like Syphilis.
first place your tongue on the sap. then carefully lick it off without missing any spots. after this you can either spit it out or swallow it. i tend to save it in a cup as my famous secret recipe
Yes it does with a some lemon squeeze it will get the stain off
Yes it does. And after repeated use - 2-3 months - your balls drop off.
Clear white vinegar on a clean cloth will often remove soiled spots from wool carpets.
depnends if you shower
Try pouring some straight muriatic acid over them.
To use hydrogen peroxide to remove dark spots on your skin, you will have to buy hydrogen peroxide that is sold in your local beauty supply store. Apply it to the dark spots and let it sit for several minutes. No more than ten. Rinse it off and over the course of a few days, the spots should lighten.
You just cut that leaf off, hope it helped! X
When you stick your tongue on a frozen metal pole, the moisture on your tongue can freeze and bond to the metal. When you pull your tongue off, you may leave behind a layer of skin or tissue on the pole, which can be painful and may result in injury. It's important to seek help to safely remove your tongue and prevent further damage.
Getting on and off brown spots basically means that you're going to get your period very soon, and it is a sign and is called 'spotting' its basically like your vagina is telling you "Im going to start spitting blood out very soon"
It is not good to eat. If there are gray or brown spots you can cut away, the remaining parts of the avocado can be eaten. But don't eat the gray or brown places, they are bruised and could have an off flavor.
Both, the reddish spots are rust and a chemical change. You will also find (after you have rubbed off the rust) that the surface of the knife is pitted. These pits are a physical changed caused by the chemical reaction.