I am not sure, but it if you are going to throw up, it is probably best just do it. When I felt like throwing up though I would take long deep breaths to soothe my stomach.
Throwing up will not reduce your current blood alcohol percentage, but if there is unabsorbed alcohol in your stomach, throwing up can prevent your blood alcohol percentage from increasing through additional absorption. Metabolism and time is the only way to reduce your blood alcohol percentage.
it means that they both were throwing fits and throwing up it means that they both were throwing fits and throwing up it means that they both were throwing fits and throwing up it means that they both were throwing fits and throwing up
By throwing rubbish on them
Stop throwing away and waisting..
You want to prevent the germs from the tissue from connecting with any other person. Throwing the tissue away prevents the spread of germs.
To prevent your baby from gagging himself and throwing up during feeding, try holding him in an upright position while feeding, burping him frequently, and ensuring that the nipple flow is appropriate for his age. Additionally, avoid overfeeding and allow your baby to feed at his own pace. If the issue persists, consult with a pediatrician for further guidance.
The scientific term for throwing up is "emesis."
because when you throw it in the garbage can then people dont pick it up, therefore preventing the spread of bacteria.
Yes throwing up alot can kill you. You can get it caught in your throat and choke on it.
They can stop throwing trash in the ocean.
Don't buy things that you don't need.