I think that eventually cotton will stop shrinking.
add more fat
You gain weight when you stop eating because your body begins to think its starving. Your motabolism slows to keep weight on. And anything you eat your body trys to keep the fat out of it.
Your breasts are "shrinking" because you are losing fat. They will look bigger if you gain muscle. Try the fly machine.
If the size after "shrinking" is big enough to keep all files then it does not do anything. Otherwise you will loose some information.
to stop pain or keep your body hydrated
Yes, adding excessive testosterone to your body can cause hair loss. Also acne, and shrinking testicles .....but they go back to normal size when you stop the juice.
to keep you insulated (for body warmth) and for food storage for if you stop eating you still have a fat storage to last you for a while to keep you going
The Aral Sea
Aral See, located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Wash in cold water and air dry, no dryer.