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All you have to do is keep your health up by not smoking and by eating healthy. Also, it is not a bad idea to go to a gym every once in a while. You also want to get shots for the flu and polio and any shots that your doctor. Also keep up your personal hygene by brushing your teeth and by flossing and by taking showers...etc. You will live a long and healthy if you use this information!

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Q: What can you do to avoid a lifestyle disease in the future?
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Heart disease is and example of which type of disease infections or lifestyle?

Lifestyle disease

Is emphysema a lifestyle disease?

Yes it is. A lifestyle disease is a disease that occurs becuse of something someone does for example skin cancer is a lifestyle disease.

How do you avoid getting a disease?

You basically avoid getting sick by being able to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle without vices and things that inflict harm to the body like smoking, too much drinking and sedentary lifestyle.

What is the difference between lifestyle disease and hereditary disease?

lifestyle diseases are a result of a bad lifestyle, heriditary diseases are also a result of a bad lifestyle but heredity plays a part in whether u get the disease

What would a preventive vaccine be considered as?

It is a very valuable instrument to avoid that you die or become disabled from a serious disease in the future.

How Does Alexander disease affect lifestyle?

it doesnt

What you believe is healthy living?

Healthy living is a lifestyle which consists of diet exercise, rest and stress reduction. There are many things that we can do in order to live a healthy lifestyle and it should be taught at an early age. By doing this we can avoid many common illnesses and disease as we grow older.

How do you adapt a lifestyle to try and avoid cancer?


Why should children avoid junk food?

because it makes them to suffer a lot in future. they cant eat what they want as they may suffer from disease like diabetes.

Is pneumonia a lifestyle disease hereditary disease or infectious disease?

It is an infectious disease. However, you are more apt to get it if you smoke or have otherwise unhealthy lungs.

What is the most common lifestyle disease?

A lifestyle disease is a disease you are not born with but is resulted in risk factors eg smoking, drink driving, lack of exercise, poor diet, etc. For eg Diabetes is not usually a lifestyle disease though Diabetes TYPE 2 is. Also Skin Cancer is and a lot of other cancers aren't

What causes you to get heart disease?

Reasons of having Heart Disease : ^ Lifestyle ^Improper Diet ^Heridetary