You stand up and go tell the judge that
they lied and tell them reasons how you
The person with the bench warrant will have to appear before the court. The person who lied may be charged with perjury.
dont know, someone lied to me
To judge someone unfairly means to think or say negative things about that person before you get to know them
First, they are not your best friend if they lied to you and won't admit it. It is up to them to prove themselves to you. It takes a long time for someone to rebuild trust after they have broken it. Ask yourself this, if they lied to you once, how do you ever know they are telling the truth or when they will lie again.
I assume that the "ex-boyfriend" is also the father of the child. If you believe that he lied to gain custody, you can file a motion/petition for a custody re-hearing and be prepared to demonstrate that he lied, and that you are a 'fit' mother to have custody of the child.
You can't. A process server is almost like an officer of the court. A judge will take his word. And it doesn't matter if the server's your word against his. And you saying he lied is like someone telling a judge that the parking ticket must have blown off the car. I bet the judge has heard your accusation a million times. The odds you can stop a lockout eviction after the fact are low.
they say he did really bad things but you never know because someone could frame him someone could of just lied
never judge someone before getting to know them.
srry but u have 2 be someone famous or know a judge/american idol staff member.
Don't judge someone until you know how their life is like
Is it illegal? No, ha, it's simply a lie. If you are planning on suing this person because she lied about being on birth control, I wouldn't waste your time. The judge will most likely laugh in your face that is if you even make it to a judge.
Love is a feeling that comes only when you start loving someone. There is no such criteria where in you can judge if you don't love someone.