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If you develop a small lump on your hand/wrist it is most likely to be an Ganglion. Ganglion's never give you any pain or rarely give you pain. They are not particularly big but you can see them very easily. It is nothing to be worried about. Ganglions are a small bit of tissue trapped under the skin. If you wait a month it might disappear but if it doesn't you have choice to either have an operation and remove it or keep it there forever as long as it doesn't bother you. After your operation you will have an inch mark where it was removed. Ganglion are usually on your hand or wrist. The Ganglion will move side to side easily. In the olden day people used to get their family bible and bash it down despite the consequences which were your wrist or hand breaking. Do not use the bible technique know. (Very bad idea!)

I have an ganglion at the moment. My ganglion does not hurt. My ganglion is on my hand.

You should go to the local doctor to make sure the lump on your hand is definitely a Ganglion and not something else.

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