

Best Answer


mild fatigue anxiety forgetfulness

eye lid, face twitches digestive issues constipation or diarrhea frequent bad breath

constant body odor dizziness irritability unexplained anger

sensitivity to sound inability to concentrate abnormal menses low body temperature

cold hands and feet tender teeth ringing in the ears insomnia

metal taste in mouth nail fungus

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Q: What can too much mercury do to your body?
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Is pollution harmful to the environment?

Pollution is an abnormal amount of a material in the environment - too much of a contaminant. In the same way too much of a contaminant in your body - caffeine, alcohol, salt, Mercury - can effect your body's operation. Pollution can effect the complex interactions of the parts of an ecosystem.

what level of mercury is too much?

Any level.

Can mercury be used as poison and how?

Yes, mercury can be used as a poison. Mercury poisoning can occur through ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact with mercury compounds. It can cause severe damage to the nervous system and kidneys, as well as other harmful effects on the body.

Can you breathe in Mercury if not what do you have to wear?

i think you cant breath in mercury and pluse its much too hot to be on there anyways

Is too much mercury from fish bad for the body?

Yes. "Too much" of ANYTHING is bad for you, but mercury is dangerous even in fairly small doses. However, the mercury levels in commercial fish are generally QUITE low; you won't get sick from eating fish twice a week. The hysterical mass media needs to work up a good scare before you'll buy their newspapers or watch their commercials.

Is Mercury a trrrestrial or gas giant?

Mercury is a rocky planet and is too close to the sun to retain much of an atmosphere, much less become a gas giant.

What happens if the body has too much of fats?

If your body has too much fat, you will be unattractive and babes won't come hither.

How much sodium is considered too much for a whole meal?

You need little sodium in your body cause it helps your body but too much of it will make you sick.

Problems if there is too much Carbon in your Body?

18% of your body is made up of carbon atoms. Most matter in nature is made of carbon too. Are you asking about problems if there is too much CO2 in your body?

What organs of the body are most affected by too much alcohol?

liver. too much alcohol damages the liver. if too much damage is done. the whole body may start to detoriate.

What isn't good for the body?

Smoking, too much alcohol, too much (direct) sunlight, too much exercise, too much fatty food, too many carbohydrates.

Is too much excercise bad?

Yes. Too much, or too little can have negative effects. Just remember that your body has to recover and rebuild after exercise and if it does not have enough rest, you can actually be tearing your body down with too much exercise.