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All cells need two things to survive:1. Oxygen - this we get from the air that we breathe2. Sugar - this we get from the food we eat.The brain is the most important organ in the body and if this organ is starved of either Oxygen or Sugar, this will result in failure - a blackout / fainting, (Syncope).Therefore: - Fainting is due to a sudden drop in blood flow or glucose supply to the brain. This causes a temporary drop in blood pressure and pulse rate. Medical reasons for this include:Causes:Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). This can occur in diabetics, in early pregnancy, in persons on severe diets, etc.Anemia. Eating disorders.Conditions which cause rapid loss of blood.Abnormal heart rhythm.Heart attack.Stroke.Cronic obstructive pulmonary diseasesSiezuresDrugsAlkaholHead injury.Heat stroke.Heat exhaustion.Signs & SymptomsFainting is a brief loss of consciousness. It can last from seconds to 30 minutes. Just before fainting, a person may feel disorientated, feel dizzy, see spots, and have nausea.If a person falls and can't remember the fall itself, he or she has fainted.An unconscious person is hard to rouse and can't be made aware of his or her surroundings. The person is unable to move on his or her own.TreatmentFainting should be considered a medical emergency unless you know the cause.If possible, help the person who has fainted to the ground to minimize injury. Be careful not to injure your back when doing so. The person should lie flat on their back. Elevate the legs to help restore the person's blood pressureStimulate the person vigorously (yelling, briskly tapping) taking care not to cause injury. Call 911 immediately if the person does not respond.Check for breathing and begin ventilations if needed.Check for the pulse in the neck and begin CPR, if needed.After the person recovers, encourage him or her to lie down until medical help arrives. Even if you believe the cause of the fainting is harmless, have the person lie down for 15-20 minutes before attempting to get up again.Ask about any persistent symptoms, such as headache, back pain, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain , weakness, or loss of function, because these may indicate a life-threatening cause of the fainting.Cover the patient, reassure them and remember - 'NIL PER MOUTH'.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Typically this indicates low Blood Pressure, especially if this occurs when you change posture, eg. rising from a seated position.

Sometimes, this is triggered by a sudden dilation of the major Blood Vessels and results in a sudden loss of consciousness. This is used by some animals as a defensive strategy, where the animal appears to drop down dead when startled.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Blow to the head, lack of oxygen, lack of blood flow to the brain.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Did you have the flu?If you didnt it was probly coming.If it keeps on I would see a doctor. I hope my answer helped.

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