Attitude, personality, and hard work (as in get a good job).
That you love her, and you never want to be with another person ever again and that u would do anything for her if it makes her happy. you will never leave her and your love for her will never end... everyday you spend with her is paradise and you will love her to the day you die. anything that's yours is hers and that you cant believe your luck that you would ever meet someone like her and your the luckiest man alive.
There are multiple things that can be said to make a girl happy. But words only go so far. If you're going to say you love her, prove it. Actions speak louder than words, always. It will make her happier when you do things to make her happy, rather than just saying things and never following through with them
Practical Answer:If you don't mean it, don't say it. If you don't mean it and do say it, you and she will regret it later. Save the regret and be honest. With yourself first and then her.
just praise her whatever you like about her. dis really make girls happy hope it will help
You should tell them that you love her and that you're there for her. Be pateint with her she may just be having troubles with girls homones
Not much to be honest, but if you really do love her than you should love her enough to want her to be happy, and if going away would make her happy then let her say that bit to her :)
bang her like there's no tomorrow
buy her a unicorn and propose
Anything. He's him! He wants to protect his girlfriend, and make her happy, and have fun!
Give her anything that you feel will make her happy. Love is all about making the other happy.
Talk to her, she can best answer how she likes it
It will not make your girl friend happy.
write her a letter out of the blue telling her how much you care about her.
write her a letter out of the blue telling her how much you care about her.