

What can heal a sore throat?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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get a spoon of honey leen your head back and let the honey dribble over the back of your mouth to your throat from the spoon in your mouth, DO NOT SWALLOW stay like this for 90 seconds then drink some warm water and your sore throat should be fine :) hope this helps x

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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What can you do to heal a sore throat plus slightly swollen glands?

try drinking warm stuff

How can i heal a soar throat fast?

You can heal a sore throat quickly by drinking lots of fluids, gargling warm, salt water and sucking on throat lozenges. Tea with honey added to it is also a good way to calm the irritation. Good luck!

How do you know if you have a sore throat?

Does your throat feel raw and sore? If the answer is yes, you have a sore throat.

What about sore throte?

A sore throat is often caused by viral infections like the common cold or flu. It can also result from allergies, dry air, or irritants like smoke. Remedies include rest, hydration, throat lozenges, and warm saltwater gargles. If symptoms persist or worsen, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.

Why do you get Sore throat?

you can get a sore throat By shouting

How does honey heal coughs?

Honey coats and sooths the irritation inside the esophageal airway. Honey does not actually heal the sore throat, it just makes it feel better.

How do you spell the word sore throat?

Sore throat is not a single word; it is two words, "sore" and "throat".

How do you know if it is sore throat or strep throat?

It's called a sore throat because it hurts. If you feel pain in your throat, that is a sore throat.

Can you spread a sore throat by clearing your throat?

No, clearing your throat cannot spread a sore throat to others. Sore throats are typically caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted through close contact or airborne droplets. Simply clearing your throat does not release enough of the virus or bacteria to spread the infection.

Does cancer in your throat feel like a really bad sore throat?

There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.

What is a sore throat sweet used for?

to sooth a sore throat.

What is sore throat sweet used for?

to sooth a sore throat.