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You can dieTo be more specific then "you can die" it is true that u can but u can have liver cancer, clott your bloodstreams and damage and shrink your brain
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Q: What can happen if you drink too much alcohol?
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Can 33 percent alcohol kill you?

If you drink too much of it, yes. You can get alcohol poisoning from any percentage alcohol if you drink too much of it.

What Will happen to you when you drink alcohol when you are only seventeen?

The same as what would happen if you drank it at any other age, your liver would process the alcohol out of your bloodstream. If you drink too much it could harm your development, but that's at the stage of acute alcohol poisoning.

How do you black out from alcohol?

you drink too much of it.

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How You Get Alcohol Poisoning is You Drink TOO Much Alcohol

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What can too much alcohol do too your heart?

If you drink too much alcohol, you will become dehydrated. Severe dehydration may cause acute heart problems.

What does alcohol abuse mean?

If you drink too much alcohol so that you become drunk and are ill you have abused alcohol. If you drink allot of alcohol on a regular basis you are also abusing alcohol.

What is it called when you drink too much and you can die from it?

Water Intoxication. alcohol overdose or alcohol intoxication

Why do you get indigestion if you drink too much alcohol?

Drinking too much alcohol can upset the stomach and digestive system which can often cause indigestion and heartburn.

Does seeing double occur if you drink too much alcohol?

It can occur.

How does alcohol affect performance?

If you drink too much it can damage your brain.