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Coming from an employee of a medical review office for drug screening.....NOTHING. When it goes through GC/MS confirmation testing it rules out false positives. False positive are a thing of the past (for lab based tests)

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15y ago
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12y ago

There is no known food, medication or substance that can give a false positive result for cocaine. A drug test is designed to detect even the smallest amount of that drug in your system and depending on the amount and frequency used, cocaine can sometimes still be detected even as far out as a week from the last time it was used instead of the usual said 1-3 days. The only reason a test should be positive for cocaine is if the person being tested has consmed it in some way or form and is tested before their system has had time to clear out the drug.

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12y ago

Nothing can counter react cocaine, Cocaine is a very powerful and addictive drug that can KILL you. If your going to do drugs smoke marijuana. It's one of the least deadly drugs in the world. That if it even is deadly which scientist tests have proven that tobacco prescription drugs and alcohol is more deadly. But DO NOT DO COCAINE. it will kill you.

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12y ago

i tested positive for cocaine and never touched the stuff

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12y ago

i was told neurontin ( gaberpentin) could could cause a false positive for cocaine,

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12y ago

poppyseed bagels/muffins have been known to give a false positive drug responses on tests

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11y ago

physical conditions or other prescribed drugs thst may cause false positive in urine tedt for cocaine

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7y ago

Some foods will give a false positive. Sesame seeds is one thing that will do that.

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