

What can chest protect?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What can chest protect?
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Does your skull protect the organs in your head or your chest?

Your Head.

Why do knights wear a chest plate?

to protect their chest and vital organs e.g. lungs, heart, stomach.

What helps protect your heart if you fall on your chest?

rib cage

What are the Function for ribs?

To protect key organs in the chest such as the heart and lungs

What is purpose of the rib cage?

The rib cage serves to protect the vital organs in the chest, such as the heart and lungs, from injury. It also helps to support the structure of the chest and aids in breathing by expanding and contracting during respiration.

What would be a sentence for Cuirass?

The British cavalry wore a cuirass to protect the chest .

What bones protects heart?

The breastbone or sternum protect the heart. The ribs also help protect the organs in the chest including the lungs.

What are the main advantages of chest protectors?

There are many advantages to chest protectors and it is pretty much a necessity for baseball catchers. It will protect the internal organs from massive damage if a baseball happens to hit the chest.

What is the important job for the rib bones?

They protect the organs in the chest cavity.

How does the red bellied monkey protect itself?

it urinates on its opponents face and then takes a dump on there chest

If Skull is to head and what is rib to?

Rib is to chest. Just like the skull protects the head, the ribs protect the chest cavity where vital organs such as the heart and lungs are located.

What is the function of the chest?

Your chest is used in any movement that requires arm motion in lateral directions.Examples: opening a door knob, opening a bottle cap, clappingMuscles in the chest help move the arm and shoulder and some help in breathing.