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Energy Field Imbalance

The human energy field can get dissociated from the body because of trauma or even extreme sudden injury to the nervous system. This can also happen because of strong nervous system impacting medicines/drugs/chemicals.

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Q: What can causes floating sensation whilst lying down?
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When lying down in a certain position, the blood flow to your arm may be restricted or compressed, leading to a tingling sensation or numbness. This can happen due to prolonged pressure on nerves and blood vessels. Shifting your position or stretching your arm can help alleviate the discomfort.

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When a fish is floating on it's side, on the surface of the water, it's probably dead.

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Low back pain at night that is not relieved by lying down may be caused by a tumor in the cauda equina (the roots of the spinal nerves controlling sensation in and movement of the legs).

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The term supernatant scientifically refers to lying above a precipitate or sediment. Supernatant scientifically also refers to floating on the surface of a liquid.

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You can eat lying down because the food doesn't just fall down you oesophagus (gullet), it is pushed down by muscles. However, it may be hard to drink whilst lying down because the water may tip out of your glass before the glass touches your lips. It is possible, though.

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If you haven't been moving it around much,or if you have been lying or sitting on it.

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Polders are low-lying plots of land protected by dikes from a body of water. Chinampas are built up plots or "floating gardens" surrounded by water.