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If you just want to stop the wet feeling in your underwear, then try wearing light flow pads daily, even if you haven't had your period yet. Although it may be embarrassing, you need to tell your parents or a doctor about what's happening. It could be an infection, so you should not wait too long to let someone know. Make sure that you are going to bathroom often enough (2-5 times a day) and make sure that you wipe very good. Even if you don't feel like you need to pee, use the bathroom at least once every eight hours so that it doesn't come out during the day. Are you sure your leakage is random? Keep a special diary for a few days and every time you feel your self leaking, write the time and date and what your doing. Write how you're feeling and how long it has been since you peed. You might find out you leak when you are nervous or bored, or whenever you cross your legs. Once you have figured out when and why you leak, Try to find ways to help stop it. Maybe you could go to the bathroom whenever you're bored, or distract yourself when you get nervous. Good luck and I hope you solve your problem.

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Services :?

Plumbing, Leak Detection, Water Heater Leaking, Hot Water Heater Leaking, Leaking Shower, Leak Repair, Water Leaking, Leaking Pipe .

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