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The immune system

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Q: What body system does macrophage belong to?
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What type of cell is housed by the lymphatic system to help the body and defense system?


How do you use macrophage in a sentence?

The macrophage is a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight off infections.

What system in the human body do tendons belong to?

Tendons belong to the musculoskeletal system in the human body.

Which organ does the small intestine belong to?

it is an organ, it doesn't belong to any other organs in the body but it does belong to a system in the body the digestive system.

What body system does the bicep belong in?

The bicep is in the muscular body system.

What body system does the diaphragram belong to?

Respiratory System

Capillaries belong to which body system?

The cardiovascular system.

Functions of lymphoreticular system?

The lymphoreticular system consists of reticular supporting cells, lymphoid cells, monocyteâ??macrophage cells. The function of the lymphoreticular system are the body's defenses to fight infection.

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skeletal system :)

What system in the human body do cardiacs belong?

Circulatory system