

Best Answer

really good because this is during the ovalation period

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Q: What are your chances of getting pregnant 8 days before your period?
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What are the chances of getting pregnant one or two days before you period with unprotected sex?

Just before your period you are at your most fertile

If your on your period can you still get pregnant?

When you are on/having your period, it is usually when you have one of the highest chances of getting pregnant.

What are your chances of getting pregnant a week before your period?

The chances of getting pregnant are always high - a week before or even after. The sperm can hang around a lot longer than you think. Don't rely on the cycle period of conception. Use a condom or refrain if you want to remain safe.

What are the chances of being pregnant if sperm inters you days before your period?

You can get pregnant at any time of the month. But right after your period you have a less chance of getting pregnant, and right before your period because the egg needs to be in the tubes to be fertilized so if its the day before your period its not in the tubes.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you do it everday without a condom and there two weeks before you period?

the chances are not that high due to the fact that your doing it before your period because most are more fertile 6 days after her period. But the possibiltes are the same.

Can you get pregnant eve if you didn't get your period?

No, if you did not have sex than no chances of getting pregnant. But if you had sex than there might be chances, or it might be delayed period.

What are the chances of getting your period but still being pregnant?

About a 5% chance.

What are the chances of getting pregnant right after your period if your boyfriend came in you?

You could be pregnant - take a test

What are the chances of getting pregnant a week after the period has ended?

There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...

What are the chances of getting pregnant 2 days from starting your period?

a woman can get pregnant before one or two days of her periods --- A woman has a lesser chance of falling pregnant with in the first week after her period. After the first week she is at high chance of falling pregnant, especially within the last week before her period. ----

What are the chances of getting pregnant by skipping your sugar pills and ot having a period?

Skipping sugar pills to avoid a period reduces, and does not raise, your risk of getting pregnant on the pill.

You are using copper-tany chances of getting pregnant?

i am using copper-t any chances of getting pregnant.3 months back my period was currect but now i did not get my period. my friend told she was using copper-t she got pregnant.please help me