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Drink cranberry juice.

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Q: What are ways to take care of excretory system?
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Ways on how to take care of excretory system?

Eat lots of fiber. At least 2-4 servings of prunes. Drink plenty of water.

What are some ways your diet affects your digestive or excretory?

by the unhealthy things that you eat and dont take care of your health.

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What are some ways to take good care of the reproductive system?

bfr; v lkjkjjuygt

What does the skin wastes the excretory system?

The skin doesn't eliminate waste like the excretory system does. Skin is an organ of the integumentary system responsible for protection and sensation. Waste elimination in the body primarily occurs through the kidneys, lungs, and digestive system.

Which body system get rid of metabolic waste?

The excretory system, primarily consisting of the kidneys, is responsible for getting rid of metabolic waste products from the body. The kidneys filter the blood to remove waste products and excess substances, which are then eliminated from the body in the form of urine.

How can we take care of our nervous system?

Drinking alcohol can slow down sending of messages, which leads to different ways on how your body acts.

What system makes ways the body gets rid of its waste products?

The excretory system is responsible for eliminating waste products from the body. This system includes organs such as the kidneys, liver, skin, and lungs that work together to remove toxins and excess substances from the body through processes like filtration, secretion, and perspiration.

What are the similarities of digestive system excretory system?

they are both receiving and producing & what they produce are waste materials.

What ways that the body changes food to a form that is usable by all its cell?

Ways that the body changes food to a form that is usable by all its cells is floor 8 which is the digestive system. Ways the body gets rid of its waste products is floor 4 which is the urinary or excretory system.

What are ways by which you can take care of you ears?

cut them off

What does the excretory system work with?

the excretory system interacts with the circulatory system and the respiratory systemit works with the lungs ,large intestine and the kidneys. There are some things in our body that can't be used and may even be dangerous to your body. They need to be rid of. The job of the excretory system is to get rid of that waste.The Excretory System interacts with your Digestive System as they both work with the Nervous System in both conscious and unconscious ways. While digestion goes on without your thoughts, eating, urinating, and defecating is under your control.The undigested food remains are expelled outside the body. The large intestine & anus are the last two organs related to the Digestive System. Solid waste is filtered out by the digestive system.It also works with the Circulatory System as it carries blood around the body to function. All of our blood runs through our kidneys every day. There is an artery and a vein that runs into and out of each kidney to take the blood there and back.Without the excretory system, the other parts of the body would eventually be poisoned by waste.Read more: How_does_the_Excretory_system_work_with_other_body_systemsThe Digestive System! they help by sending nutrients and blood to this system