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ways to prevent nerve damage are by eating right and not doing stunts but sometimes it can happen unexpectedly so be careful

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Q: What are ways to prevent nerve damage?
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Nerve Damage was created in 2004.

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Motor nerve damage can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, diseases such as multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), infections, genetic conditions, or exposure to toxins. Damage to motor nerves can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, and impaired movement.

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Diabetic socks can increase circulation to the feet and prevent diabetic neuropathy. They also protect the feet from further nerve damage or pain.

Lap Band fill cause Vagus nerve damage?

The vagus nerve is located in the arm of a human. The lap band fill procedure can cause nerve damage to this nerve.

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How chronic illnesses affect physical development?

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Canine Nerve damage front paw?

Ask your Vet. Nerve damage may be caused by conditions that can be fixed.