Abstinence is the only 100% effective method of birth control.
There are lots of different ways for contraception. There is:
-male or female condom
-the pill
-a patch (evra. The patch constantly releases estrogen and progestininto the blood stream)
-an injection (depo- provera. an injection every 12-13 weeks, it an injection of progestin, which stops the release of an egg)
-vaginal ring (NuvaRing. It is much like the pill, it releases estrogen and progestin which stop the women from releasing an egg)
-intra-uterine system (mirena. Provides 5 years of contraception, realease levonorgestrel which makes the uterian mucus thicker and harder for sperm to reach the uterus)
-intra-uterine device (copper IUD. Provides 5 years of contraception, the copper changes the chemistry of the uterus)
You should do more research and consult your doctor about your options. Like most medication they have side effects and can be dangerous is not used properly.
Emergency contraception
Henri Rozenbaum has written: '200 questions sur la contraception' -- subject(s): Contraception 'La contraception'
A:Protestants are overwhelmingly in favour of the use of contraception.
There are several kinds of hormonal contraception: 1. Combined oral contraception, 2. Progestogen-only pills, 3. Progestogen-only injectable contraception, 4. Combined injectable contraception, 5. Subdermal implants.
No, that's why it's called CONTRACEPTION.
紧急避孕 = emergency contraception simplified form. 緊急避孕 = emergency contraception traditional form.
Yes, birth control is a form of contraception. I came across a website findmymethod.org where you can get all information about different types of contraception or birth control options which can be used to prevent pregnancy. You can contact info@findmymethod.org for more information.
No, weed does not prevent pregnancy or interfere with contraception methods.
Christian thoughts vary on just about ANY topic, not just on contraception.
Planned Parenthood is a family planning clinic that offers contraception. In addition to contraception, Planned Parenthood also offers gynecological exams and abortion services.