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The nervous system. Horse Isle Quiz Answer: Neurons

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Q: What are used for carrying message from one part of your body to another via electrochemical processes?
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What are neuurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters are chemicals released across a synaspe from one nerve to another in order to send an electrochemical message.

What is a change that initiates an electrochemical message along a neuron?

A stimulus A stimulus is a change that starts an electrochemical charge, an impulse, moving along a nerve cell.

What are electrochemical impulses?

While a neural signal is chemically conveyed from one neuron to another by neurotransmitters, the electro-chemical neural impulse, which happens in the axon when the neuron fires, is called an action potential.

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Message passing describes the act of communication between two or more computer processes (in the form of "messages").

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The Christian faith does not advocate the carrying of arms. In fact, the Christian faith carries with it a message of peace and non-violence.

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processes are concurrent if they exist at the same time.concurrent process can function completely indepently to one another. two process are concurrent if their execution can overlap in time; that is, the execution of the second process starts before the first process completes. concurrent processes generally interact through the following mechanisms: Shared variables Message passing

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