The first thing is passion. I say this because you can't have love without passion. Love is unconditional. This leads me to my second thing which is understanding. Every good relationship has it.
compare is when you compare two things that are the same and contrast is when you compare two things that are different.
Similies compare two "unlike" things when using like or as to develop the comparison
compare means what two things have in common. contrast are the differences things have.
what is the form you would use the word curiously to compare two things
a comparison
A problem in which you compare two things.
mac and pc?
Compare and contrast is kind of a redundant statement. It just means to compare similarities and differences of one relationship to another. For example,"in this relationship, I can be myself. With my ex, I had to pretend to be someone I wasn't"
Compare: Explain how two or more things are the same. Contrast : Explain how two or more things are different.
Similes: to compare two things using the words 'like' or 'as'☆ Metaphors: to compare two things not using the words 'like' or 'as'★ *Hope it helped you!*
to compare things are also show their differences(this is commonly shown but not really thought of about)