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Um, well, go ask someone else, cause i dont know.

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Q: What are tiny hair-like structures that sweep mucus you to the nose to the throat?
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Tiny hairlike extensions that sweep mucus into the throat is nasal cavities?


What is tiny hairlike and sweep mucus around?


Hairlike structures that line the nasal cavities and the trachea?

Cilia are hairlike structures that line the nasal cavities and the trachea. They help to sweep mucus and particles out of the respiratory system to keep it clean and protect the lungs from infections.

Are hairlike projections that sweep particles toward the throat?


What is the trachea lined with to sweep away particles and dust?

The trachea is lined with cilia, which are tiny hair-like structures that beat in a coordinated manner to sweep away particles and dust trapped in mucus towards the throat where they can be expelled by coughing or swallowing.

What hairlike structures are located in your respiratory system?

Cilia are hairlike structures located in the respiratory system. They help to sweep mucus and foreign particles out of the airways, assisting in the protection of the lungs from potential irritants or infections.

What are the tiny hairs called that sweep outr dirt in the lungs?

The tiny hairs in the lungs that sweep out dirt and mucus are called cilia. These hair-like structures help to keep the airways clear by moving debris upwards towards the throat where it can be swallowed or expelled.

How do throat cells stop dirt from going into your lungs?

Throat cells are lined with tiny hair-like structures called cilia that constantly beat in a coordinated motion to sweep away dirt and other particles. Additionally, mucus produced by the cells traps and removes particles that may enter the throat. This helps prevent dirt from reaching the lungs.

The cilia and mucus in the trachea sweep upward moving the mucus toward the nose where it is sneezed out true or false?

True. The cilia in the trachea sweep mucus upward, where it is then transported to the back of the throat and eventually swallowed or coughed out. If there is an excess amount that reaches the nose, it can trigger a sneeze reflex to expel it.

What is the microscopic hairlike projections found in the cells lining most of the respiratory tract called?

Cilia are the microscopic hairlike projections found in the cells lining most of the respiratory tract. They help to sweep mucus and trapped particles out of the airways to protect the lungs from infections and irritants.

When does a ciliated cell die?

A ciliated cell dies when it finishes doing it job which is either to sweep up mucus to the throat or to brush up dust and destroy it.

Are villi's hairlike extensions that sweep impurities out of the respiratory tract?

No. Villi help to absorb nutrients.